Thursday, May 16, 2013

Props per Scene

Scene 1 – Newscast
Desk/chair for half the stage
Fake microphone for reporter/aliens on other side of stage

Scene 2 – Hospital  ½ the stage; science lab on other half
Clipboard for doctor
Sign that says “Emergency Room”
Small table and microscope or microscope-looking “thing” on table
Fake cell phone for doctor

Scene 3 – Press Conference
5 chairs (for Madison W., Anna, Matthew B., Sammy A., and Stone)
Fake microphone for reporter

Scene 4 – Science lab
Large table with big piece of bulletin board paper on it (a “map”)
Whiteboard in the background with some “calculations” drawn
Maybe some beakers/”science-type stuff” if we can get ahold of some

Scene 5 – Mechanic
Wrench or tool for Stone
Small version of the spaceship

Scene 6 – The Ship/Planet Buger (not sure why I didn’t break this into 3 scenes!)
Large version of ship (dash)
Headphones for DJ’s food part
***On pg. 10, after Glitchna says “Precisely” – turn out the lights for a scene change:
1)      Large ship can be swapped for the small ship
2)      Place the space rocks and sea-grass on stage somewhere – please eliminate the line following about wearing helmets, since we have no helmets***
A couple flashlights for the crew
***On pg. 11, another scene change at “Crew heads to castle.”***:
1)      Big chair for Sammi’s “throne”
2)      Artwork everywhere
3)      Recycling machine
4)      Anything used for the “fight scene” (not sure how that’s playing out – maybe we could use pool noodles if someone has any to donate?)
(leave small version of ship on far side of stage for when crew returns)

Scene 7 – Hospital
Mic for reporter
Emergency Room sign

Scene 8 – Science Lab
Same as lab scene above

Scene 9
Microphones for reporters/anchor
Chairs for crowd (include as many cast as you can)
Podium if we can get ahold of one