Thursday, May 16, 2013

Props per Scene

Scene 1 – Newscast
Desk/chair for half the stage
Fake microphone for reporter/aliens on other side of stage

Scene 2 – Hospital  ½ the stage; science lab on other half
Clipboard for doctor
Sign that says “Emergency Room”
Small table and microscope or microscope-looking “thing” on table
Fake cell phone for doctor

Scene 3 – Press Conference
5 chairs (for Madison W., Anna, Matthew B., Sammy A., and Stone)
Fake microphone for reporter

Scene 4 – Science lab
Large table with big piece of bulletin board paper on it (a “map”)
Whiteboard in the background with some “calculations” drawn
Maybe some beakers/”science-type stuff” if we can get ahold of some

Scene 5 – Mechanic
Wrench or tool for Stone
Small version of the spaceship

Scene 6 – The Ship/Planet Buger (not sure why I didn’t break this into 3 scenes!)
Large version of ship (dash)
Headphones for DJ’s food part
***On pg. 10, after Glitchna says “Precisely” – turn out the lights for a scene change:
1)      Large ship can be swapped for the small ship
2)      Place the space rocks and sea-grass on stage somewhere – please eliminate the line following about wearing helmets, since we have no helmets***
A couple flashlights for the crew
***On pg. 11, another scene change at “Crew heads to castle.”***:
1)      Big chair for Sammi’s “throne”
2)      Artwork everywhere
3)      Recycling machine
4)      Anything used for the “fight scene” (not sure how that’s playing out – maybe we could use pool noodles if someone has any to donate?)
(leave small version of ship on far side of stage for when crew returns)

Scene 7 – Hospital
Mic for reporter
Emergency Room sign

Scene 8 – Science Lab
Same as lab scene above

Scene 9
Microphones for reporters/anchor
Chairs for crowd (include as many cast as you can)
Podium if we can get ahold of one

Thursday, March 21, 2013


Hello all! In this post you will find costume information for all of our cast members. I will be using character names so as not to use student's names online. If you do not know your student's character, please email me or check with your student. Please contact me asap if you feel that you cannot provide a costume for your student. Costumes are due Tuesday, May 21st. Costumes will stay here at school until our dress rehearsal on Tuesday, May 28th. It is mandatory that all cast members attend dress rehearsal.

Robots: RoboJoe*, Robot 1, RoboDoc*, Zoope, Velocity

Please make sure your student has some kind of "structure"/3D piece for his/her costume. A large box covered with foil will do the trick. You can also use a large disposable casserole tin. Students will have fun adding fake buttons/computer screens, etc. Be as creative as you'd like - you can add a fan in the back, wings, anything! The robots do not have to be silver. The more "attachments" (old vacuum hoses, etc.) the better. If you wish to create a robot hat/face, cut a hole out of a cereal box and line with foil. You can also create a simple hat to cover the top of the head with foil, or attach plastic cups to either side of a headband. Please make sure your student wears either silver, gray, or black for his or her pants/shirt. We will not be using shoeboxes for feet as they are difficult to walk in. Gloves are a great idea as well. Please incorporate some sort of pilot hat or distinguishing feature for Velocity. Here are some pictures for ideas:

Aliens from Planet Glerb: Glurkle*, Mr. G., Katelyn R., Alien Woman

These aliens can look as alien-ish as their hearts desire - just please make sure they do not resemble the aliens from Planet Buger (no purple). A mask would be great - they can easily be made out of a flexible foam craft sheet. All-green clothing/a green hat is a suggestion. Old, "fuzzy" throw blankets are great too. We can also use face paint for the performance. Eyeball stickers for the face are a great addition! Ideas for alien costumes:

Aliens from Planet Buger: Mookapooke, Bertria, Capella, Queen Europa, Zok, Soosh

Same instructions for the aliens above, except the costume needs to be purple. Incorporating other colors is okay as long as the main emphasis is on purple (they need to be easily recognized as aliens from a different planet). For the princess and the queen, please incorporate some sort of tiara or crown.

Humanoids: Dr. Flatrum*, Luna*, Mechanic, Captain Zenith, Zop

These characters are "pretty much just like humans from planet earth" - but with a small twist. That "twist" is up to you - but they should wear fairly "normal" human clothing. Suggestions are pointy ears, glittery skin, strange tail, etc. Please make sure Captain Zenith is wearing some sort of Captain's hat.

Intergalactic Council of Prime Ministers: Counselor 1, Counselor 2, Counselor 3, and Glitchna

These characters are humanoids (see above). Please include in their costumes a cape of some kind and a hat/crown with lots of eyeballs. Thin, flexible cardboard shaped into a cone and taped together works well. Idea for eyeballs - superglue styrofoam balls from the crafts store onto the hat or crown; then add a pupil with black marker. As they are highly respected government officials, these characters can bring props such as scepters, etc. if they choose. Here's an idea:

News Team: Anchor, Loople, Tubble, Press, Squivim

The news team has their choice between robot, alien, and humanoid. See costume descriptions above. Please include somewhere on the costume some sort of badge that says "press." Fake microphones and/or notepads/pens would be fantastic.

*Characters with an asterik are either scientists or doctors. If possible, please incorporate a white lab coat into your student's costume (size large men's plain white button-up shirts are perfect!).

As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. You can also leave a comment on this post and I will reply here.